
Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, and Xamarin Forms. Separate releases are available for each platform and those will be developed on independent timelines. Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well-structured and maintainable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commands, EventAggregator, and others. Prism's core functionality is a shared code base in a Cross Compiled .NET Standard and .NET 4.5/4.8 Library. Those things that need to be platform specific are implemented in the respective libraries for the target platform. Prism also provides great integration of these patterns with the target platform. For example, Prism for Xamarin Forms allows you to use an abstraction for navigation that is unit testable, but that layers on top of the platform concepts and APIs for navigation so that you can fully leverage what the platform itself has to offer, but done in the MVVM way.

Advantages of PyCharm:

  • A plethora of productive shortcuts.
  • to view the entire Python source code with a single click.
  • of an array of plugins.

Disadvantages of PyCharm:

  • The main disadvantage of using PyCharm is, it takes more space than other text
  • The community version is idle for python development only and does not allow to use
  • The professional version is somewhat expensive.

Installation on Windows

To install PRISM on Windows, just run the self-extracting installer which you downloaded. You do not need administrator privileges for this, just write-access to the directory chosen for installation.

If requested, the installer will place shortcuts to run PRISM on the desktop and/or start menu. If not, you can run by PRISM double-clicking the file xprism.bat (which may just appear as xprism) in the bin folder of your PRISM folder. If nothing happens, the most likely explanation is that Java is not installed or not in your path. To check, open a command prompt window, navigate to the PRISM directory, type cd bin, then xprism.bat and examine the resulting error. If you want to create shortcuts to xprism.bat manually, you will find some PRISM icons in the etc folder.

                                cd "c:\Program Files\prism-4.5-win\bin"
                                prism ..\prism-examples\simple\dice\

You can also edit the file bin\prism.bat to allow it to be run from any location. See the instructions within the file for further details

Problems? See the section "Common Problems And Questions".

Installation of Linux/Mac binary versions

To ensure compatibility, we recommend that you compile PRISM from source on non-Windows platforms. See below for instructions. However, we do provide pre-compiled binary distributions for Linux and Mac OS X.

To install a binary distribution, unpack the tarred/zipped PRISM distribution into a suitable location, enter the directory and run the script, e.g.:

                                gunzip prism-4.5-linux64.tar.gz
                                tar xf prism-4.5-linux64.tar
                                cd prism-4.5-linux64

You do not need to be root to install PRISM. The install script simply makes some small customisations to the scripts used to launch PRISM. The PRISM distribution is self-contained and can be freely moved/renamed, however if you do so you will need to re-run ./ afterwards.

To run PRISM, execute either the xprism or prism script (for the graphical user interface or command-line version, respectively). These can be found in the bin directory. These scripts are designed to be run from anywhere and you can easily create symbolic links or aliases to them. If you want icons to create desktop shortcuts to PRISM, you can find some in the etc directory.

Problems? See the section "Common Problems And Questions".

Prism 8 is a fully open source version of the Prism guidance originally produced by Microsoft patterns & practices. The core team members were all part of the P&P team that developed Prism 1 through 5, and the effort has now been turned over to the open source community to keep it alive and thriving to support the .NET community. There are thousands of companies who have adopted previous versions of Prism for WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Runtime, and we hope they will continue to move along with us as we continue to evolve and enhance the framework to keep pace with current platform capabilities and requirements.

At the current time, Prism supports WPF, Xamarin Forms and UNO. We have no plans to create new versions of the library for Silverlight, Windows 8/8.1/WP8.1 or for UWP. For those you can still use the previous releases from Microsoft p&p here and here or previous releases of this library in the GitHub Repo.