Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

Advantages of Jupyter Notebook:

  • They’re great for showcasing your work. You can see both the code and the results
  • It’s easy to use other people’s work as a starting point. You can run cell by cell to better get an understanding of what the code does
  • Very easy to host server side, which is useful for security purposes. A lot of data is sensitive and should be protected, and one of the steps toward that is no data is stored on local machines. A server-side Jupyter Notebook setup gives you that for free
  • Using Jupyter Notebook will allow for the project to be edited solely on the server side, resolving the problem of storing local versions of the project
  • All developers can work on the project simultaneously and set up the project so we can make real time changes
  • The feature of running the code cell by cell, this will give the user a better understanding of what the code does

Disadvantages of Jupyter Notebook:

  • When we’re writing code in cells instead of functions/classes/objects, you quickly end up with duplicate code that does the same thing, which is very hard to maintain
  • Don’t get the support from a powerful IDE
  • It’s hard to actually collaborate on code with Jupyter — as we’re copying snippets from each other it’s very easy to get out of sync

This section contains a guide for how we setup our project using Jupyter Notebook:

  1. Open a terminal and connect to a the project using "ssh"

  2. Once connected, navigate to the directory where your project is located and enter the following command

  4. The Jupyter Notebook server will start, click on one of the links that is provided in the console

  5. Once the link open's, you will be redirected to the home page where you will see your project.

  6. Jupyter Home