Development Environment

PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, specifically for the Python language.

Advantages of PyCharm:

  • A plethora of productive shortcuts.
  • to view the entire Python source code with a single click.
  • of an array of plugins.
  • Easy-to-use.
  • Excellent community support.
  • Facilitates faster code development.

Disadvantages of PyCharm:

  • The main disadvantage of using PyCharm is, it takes more space than other text editors which degrade the functionality of code.
  • The community version is idle for python development only and does not allow to use other programming languages.
  • The professional version is somewhat expensive.

This section contains a guide for how we setup our project using PyCharm IDE:

  1. Download PyCharm Professional IDE Here
  2. JetBrains offers a free license for students that are attending school, however you can start a 30-day free trial and get started
  3. Once setup, create a new project
    1. Accept the defaults, make sure to uncheck "create a welcome script" box
      Create New Project
  4. Once your project is created, navigate to Tools --> Deployment ---> Browse Remote Host
    Browse Remote Host
  5. Create a new remote host, select the "..." button to open the popup window. Make sure you select "SFTP" as the type (name can be anything) Create Remote Host
  6. Now its time to configure the SSH connection, first select the "..." button.
    Remote Host Config
  7. Select the "+" button and fill in the required fields (actual fields have been blurred for security reasons)
    1. Set "Host" to the servers IP
    2. Leave port at "22"
    3. For "User name", enter the servers user login
    4. Now, enter the password for the server
    5. Finally, select apply and click ok

      SSH Configuration
  8. Now, Set the Root Path to "/var/www/" and the Web server URL to ""

    Remote host Config
  9. Lastly, Select OK
  10. Now you will be able to access the server and all files located on the server

    View Remote Host
  11. To setup the SSH terminal in PyCharm, Select Tools --> Start SSH Session

    Start SSH Session
  12. Select the SSH configuration you created

    Select SSH Config
  13. Now you will be able to access the the project from the terminal!

    View SSH Terminal

Using PyCharm for the development of this project will be highly beneficial to the development of the Data Patterns Project. Here are some examples of how this is possible:

  • Using an IDE(integrated development environment) for development of the project will follow best practices of developing a project
  • All developers can work on the project simultaneously and set up the project so we can make real time changes
  • with PyCharm we can connect to the server through ssh, edit the source code of the project through a remote host at the same time all in one session.

In conclusion, using Pycharm would seriously enhance the development process of Data Patterns. Therefore, we should continue to use it long term since we are given a professional license for free.